Author: Amy

Caring For An Elderly Parent: What to Know and Expect

It’s never a day we expect to come, but the reality is that many people will eventually take on the role of a carer or guardian for an elderly parent. For a lot of people, this change or new role can be overwhelming or difficult...

Top 5 Amazing Benefits of Water Softening

Soft water has numerous advantages. If you’re thinking about adding a water softener to your home, know these top 5 amazing benefits of water softening. Do you live in an area with hard water? Are you tired of feeling dry and itchy? Have you had...

8 Health Insurance Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Finding and getting the most out of your health insurance requires knowing what not to do. Here are health insurance mistakes and how to avoid them. The vast majority of United States citizens and legal residents have health insurance. Simply having insurance, however, doesn’t mean...

The Best Way to Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in partnership with Arm & Hammer however, all opinions are my own. For more information please see disclosure policy. This year we decided to plant a small garden. In the past, I’ve had small container gardens, or have grown...

Online safety tips every parent should know

Many parents today can remember a time where the internet was not widely available. But for your kids, this is a completely alien concept. There’s simply no getting away from letting your children use the internet these days, whether it’s for schoolwork, gaming, and entertainment...

7 Rewarding Ways to Volunteer in Your Community

The number of ways to volunteer is endless. If you can’t decide, we have created this list of creative and rewarding options. Satisfaction guaranteed. About a quarter of the American population volunteers annually. If you’d like to be part of that elite group, you’ve come...

5 Fun Local Lunch Spots in Garland, Texas

In this guide, you will discover 10 go-to local lunch spots in Garland, Texas that are family-friendly and multicultural. The Lone Star state does everything bigger and better, and the food is no exception. If you find yourself in Garland, Texas during lunch hour, you...