Category: Family

Banish Baby Boredom

   But it can truly be a real thing, especially when those first initial sleepless nights have passed, relatives stop dropping in to meet your bundle of joy, and your partner heads back to work. Then it’s just you and your little one, and while...

A Guide to Raising Money to Buy a Home

Flickr   If you’re looking to buy a home, then you need to get pretty wise with your finances! Getting the money together to buy a home, as well as ensuring your finances are strong enough the weather the first few months of ownership, can...

Never Take The Home For Granted!

  The family home is a weird thing. It’s almost a family member itself. It doesn’t live or breathe, but it certainly can feel like a living breathing member of the family. It doesn’t take an active role in our family, but it certainly carries...

Turn to Sustainable Cooking for You and Your Family

  Pexels   It seems that we have to consider so many things when it comes to our diet and wallet these days. How can we eat better? How can we save more money? What can we do for the environment? Well, perhaps by adopting...

The Little Things That Mean A Lot

  When you’re a parent, you start to look forward to the next big thing. Whether it’s the next milestone that your child is about to hit, a night out celebrating an occasion with your friends or a holiday that’s coming up. It doesn’t seem...

Credit Cards: Good Or Bad For Your Family Finances?

  I’m sure most of you have heard of credit cards and have a vague understanding of what they are and what they do. I’m also sure that a lot of you have heard mixed things about them. Some people claim that credit cards are...

Breathe New Life Into Your Childrens Playroom

image source   Our childrens playrooms can become a little battered and bruised over time. With so much time spent playing in this room, it’s completely natural that over time they can look much in need of some good old fashioned TLC. So with that...

Why Aren’t You Getting A Good Night’s Sleep?

Image Source It’s public enemy number one on every mom’s list, getting a good night’s sleep. While we are all resigned to the fact that after having children, sleep is off limits for the foreseeable future, that doesn’t mean we should operate in zombie mode...

Teaching An Old House New Tricks

  Perhaps the agedness of your home is something that you particularly love about it. Plenty of people like living in a place that has a bit of history. But with history comes baggage. If your home is even as young as 25-years old, it...

Simple Solutions To Give Your Home A Fresh Start

  No matter what the state of your home might be, there are always going to be occasions when there is a need for a little change. This can happen at any time, and when your home starts to get that way, it helps to...

Fighting The Demons Of Old Age

  Aging gracefully is a saying that everyone has in mind when it comes down to getting older. However, its meaning is not universal. For some, it’s about keeping up appearances and remaining charming and elegant even with white hair and some wrinkles. For others...

Helping Your Aging Parents Beat Loneliness

Image source If your parents are getting older now, you need to be alert to the very real possibility that they might start to feel lonely and isolated, especially if they are single or they lose their spouse.   Loneliness and isolation are at epidemic...