Author: Amy

Prenuptial Agreements: When Can They Be Overturned?

Nobody with honest intentions expects to divorce, but high-wealth individuals increasingly take advantage of prenuptial agreements to protect them from fortune hunters. Many families like to keep certain assets in family hands, and prenuptial agreements can ensure that family property stays with the family. Prenuptial...

5 Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe From The Winter Blues

Winter days get dull and gloomy, and the harsh weather can take its toll on your mood. The quintessential winter blues aren’t confined to humans but affect animals as well. So don’t be surprised if your dog seems to be lethargic and depressed on the...

How to Build Your Resume Before Applying to New Jobs

 Whether you need some extra income to help make ends meet or want to apply for a new job to empower yourself since your children no longer need as much care, building a great resume must be your priority if you want to win your...

What To Know About KONG Dog Toys Canada

It’s been about 40 years since Joe Markham gave a rubber piece from the suspension of a Volkswagen bus to his dog Fritz. Apparently, the German Shepherd won’t stop chewing on rocks, and his teeth were getting worn down. That rubber piece, which became the...

How To Craft Creative Invitations While On A Budget

If you want to make sure that the event you’re hosting is fantastic, you should highlight critical details such as invitations. See to it that the invites you send out to your guests match the mood of your celebration. Delivering creative invitations with simple handmade...

5 Key Signs You May Need Braces

For thousands of years, humans have sought to correct and straighten their teeth. While modern orthodontics began to develop from the 18th century, the practice had its beginning more than three thousand years ago, during the time of the ancient Egyptians.  While self-esteem and appearance...

4 Major Benefits of Drinking Water Every Day

The body is 60% water. While it is recommended that a healthy adult drink about eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day, this rarely happens. In fact, it’s estimated that 75% of Americans suffer from dehydration. While it can seem impossible to get enough water...

15 Tips For Lowering Your Energy Bill This Winter

More electricity is being used during winter because people want to take a warm shower and feel warm using electric blankets and heaters. The more electricity is consumed, the higher your electricity bill will be. Winter break also means children are on vacation and home...

How Do You Choose Between A Psychologist and A Psychiatrist?

How Do You Choose Between A Psychologist and A Psychiatrist? . While we all might have opted for keeping all of our issues to ourselves previously, we are now coming to terms with the fact that asking for professional help is not only advisable, but...

Common Signs Of Dehydration

Keeping your body hydrated is vital because it helps the cells remove waste and absorb nutrients. However, if you get dehydrated, you’re endangering yourself. Dehydration occurs when your body can’t carry out normal functions because of a lack of fluids. This situation happens when you...

Personal Injury Case Requirements: The 4 Elements of Negligence

When injured in any type of accident, it can have serious consequences and a negative impact on a person’s ability to take care of themselves. Just the cost of medical care can be a major burden on the injured person. When the injury causes a...