Author: Amy

How to Feel Body Confident After Giving Birth

From the pregnancy symptoms to the physical pain of giving birth, moms go through a lot. It’s understandable, then, that you are feeling anything but confident in your body after the whole ordeal. While your main focus will be on your little bundle of joy,...


When the temperature in an environment is low, several people tend to look for ways to keep their homes and offices warm without thinking a lot of heating bills. Though there are several ways of keeping places warm, most people usually opt in for space...

3 First Outfit Ideas for Your Newborn

One of the most exciting things to look forward to during your pregnancy is shopping for the most adorable baby outfits for your little one. From little tiny dresses with the poofiest tutus, to the cutest dapper suits and matching boy ties, you can’t help...

What Increased Screen Time Means For Your Child’s Health

Getting children outdoors and away from their screens is becoming increasingly difficult. Not only are children playing more online and digital games because of the popularity of gaming platforms, but with homeschooling a reality for many, some are spending many more hours in front of...

Top Things to Know About Newborns

There’s nothing more beautiful than having a baby in the house. As soon as a couple welcomes the arrival of their newborn, life takes a full circle. However, most of the couples aren’t prepared for the arrival of the baby, so they end up getting...

3 Must-Haves for a Disney Staycation at Home

Are you itching for that Disneyland trip but can’t go due to current circumstances? Even though Disney World is open, some people are finding that as much as they love the theme park, they aren’t ready to be around crowds. Others may still be waiting...

Feeling Better for Your Kids

There is an old saying that children are ready to leave home in a “blink of an eye.” As a parent, you know how quickly it seems that your child is growing up. Every day you see the changes in your child and the way...

The 7 Most Stylish Things a Man Can Wear

(Image Link: In 2019, the US men’s clothing market was valued at 114.1 billion, which was a pretty big jump compared to previous years. Just think about how many times you’ve heard that guys have a much easier time preparing themselves for a glamorous...

How Can Mums Establish Themselves Abroad

Image by Vânia Raposo from Pixabay. It’s challenging when you’re a mum. Now, if you’re an expat as well, this is only multiplied. All expats experience lots of ups and downs. Although, when you’re an expat mum, this also makes you more resilient.  Everyone takes...